Nd: YAG laser 

Nd: YAG laser is the gold standard for advanced vascular lesions. The Nd: YAG can treat vascular lesions that are on the surface as well as deep within the skin. These lesions can appear anywhere on the body and can be caused by sun damage, genetic factors, rosacea, or aging. These vascular lesions can occur in a variety of forms, such as Port wine stains, Leg veins, Broken capillaries, Diffuse redness, Hemangiomas, Cherry angiomas.  


The light energy that is emitted by the Nd: YAG laser penetrates the blood vessels or spider veins in the skin. The energy generates heat and coagulates the blood within the vein which causes it to collapse, and seal closed. The blood is rerouted, and the damaged vein disappears as the body sheds the cells naturally. The Surrounding skin and vessels are not harmed due to the custom cooling feature between each pulse of the laser.  

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( excludes Levulan treatment)

Buy any 3 treatments, get a 4th free

(or choice of FREE product)

$8.00/unit on first botox treatment

($9.00 per unit on second, $10.00 for any future treatments)

( excludes Levulan treatment)

Buy any 3 treatments, get a 4th free

(or choice of FREE product)

$8.00/unit on firstbotox treatment

($19.00 per unit on second, $10.00 for any future treatments)